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Little Amal: Walking the Path of Hope for Refugees
"Little Amal," a 9-year-old Syrian refugee girl, has big, expressive eyes and loves jumping in puddles as she travels on foot to the UK in search of a new home. But Amal isn't just any girl -- she's a giant puppet more than 11 ft. tall. She's the centerpiece of The Walk, a traveling arts festival. For the past three months, Amal and the crew have travelled from the Syrian-Turkish border to the UK ... posted on Nov 11 2021, 2,308 reads


The Brain's Way of Healing
Very few people have the depth and breadth of knowledge of Dr Norman Doidge.For years, Norman devoted his research into how the brain, when damaged, can repair itself with the more subtle, less invasive tools of neuroplastic intervention. His two books, 'The Brain's Way of Healing,' and 'The Brain that Changes Itself," have sold in the millions, topping bestseller lists and causing a revolution in... posted on Nov 10 2021, 11,715 reads


A Portal to Presence
"A 'Portal to Presence' is exactly what it says: a simple doorway or entrance to the field of Consciousness or Presence. It would be stretching the meaning of the word "technique" or "method" to apply it to this idea. One just walks through the portal as one becomes aware of its existence. There is no effort involved such as a decision to remain in the doorway, or to walk through on one's hands an... posted on Nov 09 2021, 4,514 reads


The Seed Wheel Turns
"'Something will always rise up and fall again' is a collaboration between the poet Kathryn Hunt and Camille Seaman, a photographer. The photographs are part of Seaman's years-long project chasing and photographing stormsdynamic, alive, wedded to wind. "I always wanted my images to speak to the duality of all things--to speak to the essential truth that there can be beauty in something terrible an... posted on Nov 08 2021, 2,727 reads


We're All Human
The filmmaker of this video shares a transformative moment with a person experiencing homelessness: Walking along a busy street in Edinburgh, my eye caught a sign resting at the feet of a man sitting on the pavement outside a posh hotel. It simply read, 'I am a human being.' It stopped me dead in my tracks. Kneeling down to take a closer look, I struck up a conversation with Sparky. And what start... posted on Nov 07 2021, 2,410 reads


The Peacock Mosaic
When their school closed during the pandemic, the teachers and families of the East Bay Waldorf School in El Sobrante, CA, all scrambled to put together backyard pods for the coming school year. They took the challenging hand they were dealt and made the very best of it, creating something beautiful, including a new re-birthed school.... posted on Nov 06 2021, 4,327 reads


What Almost Dying Taught Me About Living
"The hardest part of my cancer experience began once the cancer was gone," says author Suleika Jaouad. In this fierce, funny, wisdom-packed talk, she challenges us to think beyond the divide between 'sick' and 'well,' asking: How do you begin again and find meaning after life is interrupted?"... posted on Nov 05 2021, 9,158 reads


Solitude: The Seedbed of Self-Discovery
"In her Journal of a Solitude (public library), May Sarton records and reflects on her interior life in the course of one year, her sixtieth, with remarkable candor and courage. Out of these twelve private months arises the eternity of the human experience with its varied universal capacities for astonishment and sorrow, hollowing despair and creative vitality."... posted on Nov 04 2021, 4,933 reads


I Want to Play
"I work hard. Sometimes too hard. I even work hard at play. Perhaps you suffer the same affliction. Call it 'passion' or 'devotion' or 'loving what you do,' but it is possible to have too much of a good thing." Writer Phyllis Cole-Dai describes a writing workshop that she gave to herself as a gift. It resulted in a lovely poem, beginning with this delightful assertion: "I want to play..." Read mor... posted on Nov 03 2021, 4,257 reads


Wim Hof: The Cold as a Noble Force
"Wim Hof is an athlete and extremophile daredevil nicknamed The Iceman for his feats of withstanding extreme weather conditions. The holder of more than 20 Guinness World Records, Wim attributes his endurance to specific meditation and breathing techniques. In this intriguing episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Wim about the Wim Hof Method of exercises, mindfulness techniques, ... posted on Nov 02 2021, 3,241 reads


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